The One Club aims to promote excellence in advertising and design, highlighting particularly innovating and creative work throughout the world, billing itself as the “keeper of the flame” for advertising creatives. The One Club, whose Hall of Fame features the likes of Steve Jobs, awards the Gold Pencil to companies that have worked on an award-winning project, with the jury looking awarding points based on advertising, branding and other forms of visual communication.
Having been approached by industrial designers Map and Japanese designer Mori Inc., the team here at Ogle were tasked with creating seven concept models for an ambitious project thought up by automotive giants Honda to help retrace the route of human migration; titled ‘Honda. Great Journey’. Starting in the deserts of Nairobi in Kenya and ending in the jungles of Manaus in Brazil, Honda required seven autonomous vehicles that could handle the conditions, climate and terrain that would be found along the route.
From our Model Making crew to our Rapid Prototyping team, our SLA technology to a variety of innovative paint and finishing techniques, this project was a fantastic challenge for a range of our departments – and one in which they all relished and excelled.
We’d like to congratulate everyone involved in the project, and thank The One Club for their award. We look forward to working with Honda, Map and Mori again in the future.
Jon Marshall, Scott Barwick, Will Howe, Jacky Chung, Paul Wolfson, Satoshi Isono, Sasha Leong
TYO drive/Tokyo
Yuta Harasawa
Misato Tachibana
Ogle Models & Prototypes
Map Project Office /London
Ogle Models & Prototypes /UK
Universal Design Studio /London
For more information about the awards, please visit
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on +44 (0) 1462 682 661 or email us at [email protected].
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